Thoughts & Reflections

Community Warmth

The couple lost power to their gas heater the night before but with their kindness they invited and welcome us to their home with fresh cooked meal. The house became warmed by presence of community and friends, ensued by lively conversations. #KhmerKrom #RefugeesandImmigrant #communities

person putting coin in a piggy bank
Financial Literacy Investing Saving

“Every year $2,000 equals $1.5M at 20 years!” School of HardKnocks

I once asked, “Can you really become a millionaire in 15 years by doing nothing?”, in a post where I laid out a theoretical scenario where that could be possible.

Then today, I came across a Facebook reel claiming $2,000 per year at 20 years would make one a growth of $1.5 million.

I feel a need to call out this false claim and also put my own article back into perspective.

COVID Non-Profits Thoughts & Reflections

Lexington, Davidson County Cambodian Community Clinic

A serene and peaceful tour of Wat Lexington Buddhist Temple by CANC’s president, Mr. Seyha Thach, with Hayley Wood from My Pharmacy based in Greensboro.

Interesting fact, I learned today that the area which now sits the new Lexington Temple Prayer Hall used to be a helicopter landing pad before the property was purchased by the Lexington Cambodian community.

Thoughts & Reflections

Judicial Candidate Dinner

Great honor of seeing Rep. Jon Hardister again after his support of Cambodian language access legislation forum hosted by our Cambodian community in July.

Always cherish these experiences and connections to continue to learn about the democratic processes and systems in America.

Its a breath of fresh air, to know that one can go freely and listen in or take snapshot with any poltical candidates on any side without fear of reprisal or retribution.

Financial Literacy Money

How I rebuild my credit score and reduced my debts

In 2018 my credit score went up as high as 815 and then I decided, I was no longer going to be “part of the system”. Not being part of that system meant that I no longer care about keeping a good tab on my credits and expenses. I also thought why would I need good credit when I’ll probably get rich on my cryptos , well let’s just say that, that didn’t work out and two years later when I needed money to do home renovation and my cryptos holdings flatlined, the “system” that I had no use for at that time now had no use for me! No banks were willing to give me a loan for under 20% interest because of my poor credit score by this time!

Advocacy Non-Profits

Language Access For The Cambodian Community

Community advocacy can be exhausting, but the result has its reward that monetary compensations cannot compare. Five years of service led up to this moment, hundreds of community members and dozens of community allies all united to help push for more inclusion and representation for the Cambodian community through better language access and economic opportunities.



Silly title play on word aside, I am incredibly honored to be asked by CCC of NC to help MC for the community candidate forum for 2022 hosting City of Greensboro City Council and Guildford County candidates.

It was an important event for our Cambodian community in North Carolina, and Guildford county as we push for more inclusion and prioritization of our community in the local government’s economic and cultural developments.

Thoughts & Reflections

I still miss you

My alarms still wake me up to your schedule with your name that is still on my phone that I cannot bring myself to remove.

After you left, I cope each day with a morning prayer. A reminder to be thankful for the times you stayed with us. Every morning my gratitude prayer alarm goes off at 7 am.

display screen of a gasoline pump
Frugal Living Inflation Reader's Goodies

How to get free gas each month anywhere

Gas prices are getting higher and we all wish that it would be cheaper or more affordable. While that might not be anytime soon, at least there is a cheat out that you can use to get cheap gas. Very few people know about it, so that’s why I want to share it as a goodies for you. Enjoy and pass it forward!

Apologies to my European and Asian readers, this cheat is only available in the US states.